Hello from Kissthearth!
Spring is here and thriving and my studio is b l o o ming with projects!
As I find time in between "being mom" and "art teacher", I am finding space to fit in time in my little attic studio. I am happy for those moments and the projects entering my headspace.
I am also happy to report that I too am BLOOMING!
Each project is more aligned with my heart and desires of the art forms I wish to express. I feel as if this journey has finally felt it's true calling and opened itself to what is needed to be said with my work.
I have come to realize that my subject has been right in front of me the whole time, as they often are, and it has been and always will be... f l o w e r s.
Flowers all over, flowers of all kinds.
I have an addiction to flowers and their feelings.
Why flowers?
What is up with flowers?
Honestly, I ignored this for so long, just thinking it is just another conditioned like that girls have, for example loving the color pink or glitter. (although, I love glitter a lot now) All these "things" I avoided wanting to "love" because of what they "meant."
It is mind blowing how different we can think and feel (and of course) from just shifting perspective.
Now I am embracing this newfound knowledge.
And I will never forget this quote by the comedian, Dane Cook..
"Embrace that which defines you."
Embrace who you are, don't fight what you naturally are attracted to, give in and listen to your Self.
I am so ready to dive into an ocean full of flora and fauna!
Vintage & Recycled Tin Art and Jewelry // Inspired by the Love for our Planet
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NEW ITEMS in my Shop:
jewelry // Swing Tin Earrings
home decor// COMING SOON!
recycled tin art// COMING SOON!
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Come visit Kissthearth at these Markets in 2017
Yorba Linda's Annual Celebrate Yorba Linda! Block Party
June 24
5 - 11 pm
Art Crawl Experience in Downtown Anaheim
Aug 17, Oct 19
6 - 10 pm
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Interesting articles...
Awesome D.I.Y.'s...
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I am also available for Henna Appointments
*Please note: With each package I provide a signature touch of Lavender from my garden. If you have an allergy to this herb, please notify me right away. ☺
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Need even more? Email me directly at jessicakshy@gmail.com.
Tell me your thoughts, sing me a song, or just say hello.
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"We will not prosper by dominating the Earth, but by sharing it."
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Infinite 1ove
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