Runes... Your Answers In Metal

I was first turned onto runes and their qualities in 2015 when I was gifted a set. I had never heard of runes before but they intrigued me as I love symbolism and things made from natural materials. I was given a set with clear stones with the rune symbols on them. They were beautiful and I felt immediately drawn to them. I have been encouraged since then to go deeper into runic studies, and although I am at the tip of the journey through this side of spiritual divination and wisdom, I am excited to see what unfolds as I master runes and their uses in my own life and others.

There are many more creations coming out of me, now with bind runes (which I will get in to in another post) and rune sets with spiral felt mats for readings. The spiral mat is a combined creation with a fellow friend/witch that we thought would be unique in our set and also correlates to how we believe in the cyclical ways of life and the earth.

So.. What are Runes? ~ They are an old form of divination from Celtic traditions going back all the way to the 17th century. They are "small with an old, magical alphabet carved on them." This form of divination doesn't so much tell the future, but mostly shares insight to situations and possible outcomes, as most forms do.

Seers and seekers have used physical tools to get intuitive answers from the universe for centuries. "Accurate readings can all be provided using tea leaves, coffee grounds, and crystals. But the common tool that is frequently used is cards. Quite a number of psychic mediums use angel cards, tarot cards, or even play cards to predict the future, answer questions and to vision about a person’s life. However, there is another tool that can be used for all these and that is the Celtic rune stones.

History suggests that runes are most likely to be the first mystical tools that are used to protect and connect to psychic insights. They were used by Romans and Germans way back in 150-800 AD according to pieces of evidence provided. The word rune means ‘secret whisper’ in different languages. This is an indication of the special powers that casting runes hold.

Celtic runes, magic stones, and Viking runes are the names used to refer to rune stones. There might be a small difference in how they vary but they use a similar or less similar runic alphabet.

Kissthearth's Rune Set
Shop on Etsy

How do they work?

The old symbols can help visualize situations and help predict the possible outcome. Quite a number of psychics and intuitives use their instincts and casting runes to get answers to particular questions as this helps them understand everything better and give them a clear future.

The magical symbols on rune stones were used for shields, amulets and to hide secret messages, in the past. Just like other well-known symbols such as hamsa, the runic alphabet has been used to provide protection and healing.

How do you read runes?

Rune reading frequently gives deep insights, although not straight forward answers. This, therefore, means that a person has to use their intuition to read runes and get accurate answers. The symbols on the runes have a particular meaning that can be interpreted in distinct ways just like tarot cards. Casting and reading runes often take years to master because of the complexities.

The most well-known rune casting spreads are the 3, 5, and 9 runestone layouts. These can be gently scattered on a rune cloth or mat or also be drawn individually to give insights to specific people, questions or situations."

Read More About Runes and Uses from

What about the metal?

There are also magical uses of the metals used to create these runes I would like to share:

Magical uses of Tin

Tin is used to promote abundance, wealth, prosperity in business, success in legal matters, stimulation, attracting what you desire, energy, healing, regeneration, rejuvenation, meditation and relaxation, honor, wisdom.

Magical uses of Copper

Copper promotes love, sensuality, luck in love, beauty, art, balance, harmony and peace, receptivity, friendship, femininity, kindness and gentleness, enjoyment, peace, money, wealth, luck, negotiations, transference of power.

Magical uses of Silver

Silver is used in magickal working relating to female fertility, femininity, menstrual cycles, hormonal balance, motherhood, emotions, emotional stability, lunar magick, intuition, cleansing, repel negative energy, protection, peace, psychic abilities and spiritual work.

“The power of keeping the runes relevant in a modern context doesn’t lie in changing their meaning to suit our contemporary purposes but in finding how their layers of meaning still apply to everyday life.”
― S. Kelley Harrell, M. Div., Runic Book of Days: A Guide to Living the Annual Cycle of Rune Magick

Another Great Resource:


***** You are Magick. Do not apologize for the fire in you. *****

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